Here are a few of the new pieces I completed in time for the show (many still in progress). My new process includes embellishing traditional and archival digital paintings with collaging of paper, beads, and quilling.
My poem "Your Love Heals Me" was published in the Churches of God General Conference weekly publication, "The Gem"! Early last year my dear friend Carolyn told me she thought some of my writing would be perfect for the weekly inspirational handout she got at church, "The Gem" a publication produced by Churches of God General Conference. I finally submitted a few pieces in March. Two were rejected, but I just received confirmation that this one made it in! I received some copies and a check for $10.00 yesterday! What an honor-- Praise you, Jesus!
For my writing friends, here's a link to their submission guidelines. They are always looking for new work. Check it out! "As you may know, our goal is to change the culture by publishing great books with strong moral values. We do not consider LPC to be a "Christian publisher," although most of our authors and editors would probably call themselves Christians....
In The Story of With, Arnold introduces the concept of "Kintsugi"-- the Japanese art form of repairing broken pottery with gold. In an excerpt from the book the character Ryder says:
"It's the art of repairing what has been shattered by infusing golden lacquer in the fractured places." "But that just highlights the brokenness." "That is the point. Rather than hide the imperfections, they highlight them by filling the cracks with liquid gold. They view the repaired item as even more valuable, because it is now unique from all other vessels." pp. 148-149 and "The Creator can put the fragments of your life and heart back together with His healing light. Simply give the pieces to Him." pp.154 Wow! I'd never heard of Kintsugi, but I love including gold paper or paint in my artwork. About 20 years ago I completed this fabric collage/paining (above) with gold paint. If you live within driving distance of Lancaster, PA and are interested in writing, I highly recommend this amazing one-day event! (I've attended before, but cannot this year because of a previous commitment.) If you're looking for an affordable, fun, and choc-full-of-information way to learn more about writing, or take your current writing to the next level, consider attending this one-day conference. There are lots of opportunities to meet with the speakers and make connections with other writers. Click on image for the Lancaster Christian Writers website for more info and to register! LCW also offers monthly meetings throughout the year.
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WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.