Greetings and Thank YOU for reading my post! This is one of the greeting card designs recently submitted to, a company that provides personalized greeting cards to retailers to sell with their online and in-store products. I've always loved greeting cards and this has been a fun world to explore!
Today, I’m thankful for the opportunity to share a little more of my story. My friend, the lovely and talented Emily Gilman-Beezely, suggested my name to CanvasRebel Magazine, and they reached out to interview me. Check out my interview here! Blessings to you and your family this holiday season!!
Hi friends, this is my first video of me talking about my process, so thanks ahead of time for your patience. Lots to improve for next time! This is Kelly's website. I've learned a lot from her book and blog! For photos of the collage, please click here. Thanks! :-)
We haven't had much snow, so I decided to doodle some after watching this video tutorial by Kyle T. Webster!
SUNDAY, November 13 - The Stable Gallery Opening Reception Thanks to all my friends and family for your wonderful support and encouragement! I wish I had taken better pictures of the whole show, but here are a few of my pieces along with my good friend Carolyn and Evan. It was a ton of fun! I loved meeting new people, fellow artists, and talking about our art! I learned a lot for the next show and we all sold some pieces. Win-win-- Hallelujah! (See Page 2B for coverage of the show by Ridgewood News) TUESDAY, November 15 - Artist Reception at AtlantiCare Medical Arts Pavilion, Atlantic City, NJ
Fellow Springboarder Emily Gilman-Beezley and I headed to Atlantic City, NJ for an artists’ reception and ribbon-cutting ceremony of AtlantiCare's new Medical Arts Pavilion. Along with many other New Jersey artists, our work is featured on their office walls, corridors and spaces as part of AtlantiCare’s Healing Arts Program. What an honor! They treated us like royalty. It was great to meet the organizer, Cheryl Broschard, in person and get to know some of the other artists. I received incredible feedback on my work—totally worth the almost 6-hour round trip! Hi Friends, Happy Spring! Let the flowers begin! • What's your favorite flower?
• What's a new thing that's happening in your life? "Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air." Song of Solomon 2:10-12 The picture above was created by me digitally using Photoshop brushes. When I was "matched" with Evan on eharmony in March 2006, one of his profile pictures had a picture of him with his bunny, Tyler. I thought, "Hmmmm...A guy with a bunny? He looks pretty nice..." :-) Yup, he's wonderful! This is our 15th Halloween together, and Evan's 62nd birthday (today)! Thanks to our family for your sweet gifts and greetings! He asked to have t-shirts designed with our bunny Mac as "Count Macula". Here's one of the images we came up with. (The backgound imagery is from Unsplash.)
CLICK HERE to see our bunny, Mac, on The Daily Bunny website!
(He was actually yesterday's bunny!! :-) ![]() Staging Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash When I was working for a ministry, making a very low income in the early 1990s, my brother Doug stepped in as an art benefactor, offering me hundreds of dollars to buy art supplies to continue painting in my free time. Extremely generous and kind-hearted, don't you think?? I took him up on his offer, and asked him what I could paint for him. He said, “Something blue for my living room.” I came up with an angular pastel blues combo using fabric paints-- it was a disaster that neither of us liked, lol. I didn't know what else to do, and this blue painting was forgotten... Doug passed away in 2012, but his birthday was yesterday, June 26. He would have been 57. I made this with Doug in mind. “Blue Fire for Doug”. Have you ever created something with a loved one in mind?
Experimenting with new techniques in Photoshop using the tools from Creators Couture tutorial here.
Took a photo of Mom from her Fredonia State Teachers College Graduation in 1960 and gave it paintinerly effect! My father took this photo of Mom before they were married. Dad was 26, Mom 21. |
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.