Hello All, I hope you've had a great summer! Just wanted to share that since the beginning of the year Mac was diagnosed with glaucoma and a fallen lens in his right eye. Apparently, it’s age related--he’ll be ten years old in December. So, there's some pressure on his eye that may cause pain, it's hard to tell. With regular visits to the vet to test his pressure levels and treatment with medication throughout the day, he seems to be his normal bunny self. Thank God! He’s slowing down a little bit, but I think having Tater for a friend sure helps! As any family with a special needs loved one, we all appreciate your prayers, especially for Mac. Blessings to you!
We had quite a scare last week when we discovered Mac was suffering from a painful ulcer in his left eye.
Thanks to God and Dr. Sarah (and staff) at Animal Clinic of Morris Plains, Mac is well on the road to recovery! H A L L E L E L U J A H ! ! ! 8/2/17 UPDATE Still getting some meds, but Mac's fully recovered! Last Thursday Mac fell ill. After a sleepless night, we took him to the vet the next day, where's he's been over the weekend. Thank God, his GI stasis is cleared up, and we brought him home from the animal hospital today! We learned that he should be eating twice his body size in hay each day. What?!? Ooops, he hasn't been doing that!! We have to cut down on his vegetables. Ev just purchased some new local timothy hay, and hopefully he'll be gobbling that up in no time. Here he is taking his meds like a 'champ'!
Mac on a recent visit to our favorite vet, Dr. Paul
Since Tyler's health crisis began in June 2013, our vet and staff have been a great source of expertise, knowledge, and support to us! We love and greatly appreciate Dr. Paul Sedlacek and the whole staff of Animal Clinic of Morris Plains!! They specialize in 'exotics', of which bunnies are included. I recently made them some cookies as a long-overdue THANK YOU!!
More photos while on vacation... Evan and friends at a Raptor Hill Falconer's Wildlife Sanctuary presentation with OBIE, the very cute barn owl. The detail on his feathers was breathtaking! Interesting Facts about Barn Owls: The barn owl has exceptionally keen hearing and eyesight, making it a very effective hunter. It can see during the day, but its relatively small eyes (for an owl) are directed forward and are better adapted for night vision. The ears are asymmetrical; one is level with the nostril and the other is higher, nearer the forehead. They are covered with feathered flaps that close for loud noises and open for soft sounds. The barn owl's hearing is so sharp that it can easily hunt for voles and shrews, which are often concealed from view as they travel in runways beneath the grass. A family of 2 adults and 6 young may consume over 1,000 rodents during the 3-month nesting period.
Barn owls make a wide variety of sounds. The most common adult sounds are alarm shrieks, conversational calls (shorter, less intense shrieks), and a rapid squeaking or ticking, which is associated with the pair. The rasping, food-begging call of the young can be heard almost continuously from soon after sunset until just before sunrise. The young also hiss and bill-click when disturbed. While perched, the barn owl has a habit of lowering its head and swaying from side to side. The bird sleeps so soundly during the day that it is difficult to wake it up until darkness arrives. Other names for the barn owl are golden owl, white owl, monkey-faced owl and white-breasted barn owl. While on vacation in VA, we attended this really cool raptor presentation by Jennifer Westhoff of the Raptor Hill Falconer's Wildlife Sanctuary. Here's Evan holding the lanner falcon, Lily.
We've been visiting Tyler daily (Animal Clinic of Morris Plains) as he continue to undergo treatment to rid his body of infection. We brought in his favorite vegetables and it was great to see him gobble up the organic baby kale. Thanks all for your prayers for his complete recovery. As you can tell, he's a daddy's bun....!
This adorable cat lives at our vet's office! The other day we watched her curl up and take a nap behind the receptionist's printer! Our little baby boy bunny, Tyler, is staying in their treatment center now receiving post-surgery care for an abscessed tooth. I won't share images of his wound site as it is too disturbing, but here are some shots of his healthy side when we visited yesterday. We are praying for a swift healing from the infection, which is still working it's way out of his body. Thanks ALL for your prayers! We love Dr. Paul Sedlacek and his staff and can't recommend his practice highly enough - Animal Clinic of Morris Plains. They are giving Tyler excellent care!
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.