Purr-Tater does NOT like to be covered up, ever. I walked in on this last week realized I was witnessing a Thanksgiving miracle, LOL! :-) Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and cozy Thanksgiving weekend! "To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven." Johannas A. Gaertner German-American art historian, educator, writer, poet
Here are a few of the new pieces I completed in time for the show (many still in progress). My new process includes embellishing traditional and archival digital paintings with collaging of paper, beads, and quilling. Evan recently found this broken-off hyacinth bud in our yard. It was light green, tightly closed, and looked ‘dead’. He encouraged me to put it into water and thought it might still bloom. I was doubtful… and totally astonished when after about three days, it did! It made think about the power of water itself—a basic compound— essential for life, and wonder what areas could I experience transformation in by simply ‘watering’. I’m currently reading Soundtracks by Jon Acuff, and working on removing what the author brilliantly refers to as "lying, unhelpful, unkind thoughts" and replacing them with thoughts that are “true, helpful, and kind”. If I'm consistent, in time I’m hoping to see big changes. How about you? Any areas in your life that could use watering? "Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose."
Proverbs 18:21 MSG NOVEMBER After 6 1/2 years of keeping them separate, we opened the borders between Mac-- our bunny, and Purr-Tater and Hobbs-- our cats. They both sneak in and out of their spaces so much, one day we decided to let them stay together and see what happened. We watched them for days, and pretty soon it became clear they all liked the arrangement! We'll continue to monitor, but so far so good-- They are non-stop entertainment! DECEMBER I'm fortunate to be a part of an amazing small group of local artists, The Springboarders. We had a show this month at the Glen Rock Public Library in Glen Rock, NJ. It was my first in-person show since 2019, and great to be showing work with these other fabulous artists and friends! I've been developing a studio habit and have enjoyed more studio time this past year than any other year. We plan to have another, larger show at The Stable Art Gallery in Ridgewood, NJ next November. Stay tuned.. :-) (Not pictured Joy Yoo.)
Artist Jennifer Merz [Reminiscing Throwback!] New Year's Eve 2021 is the 15th Anniversary of Evan's proposal and our engagement. Here's a photo of us young-uns back on New Year's Day 2007! Lastly, I wanted to share a daily email resource that I LOVE. Morgan Harper Nichols is an incredibly gifted singer/songwriter/poet/artist/writer. She's inspiring in so many ways and her words encourage me daily! You can receive her material through her app (Storyteller). That's how I began receiving her "daily reminders". Or if you'd like to subscribe to her email list, you can send it to yourself by clicking here. Thanks for reading my blog!
Any big plans for 2022? Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy New Year! :-) Love this quote from Trish Blackwell's amazing book, "Insecurity Detox"
This quote is found in Chapter 14, Incompleteness: The Truth: God is the ultimate Validator in your life. I loved Joan Walsh Anglund's books as a child, and still do. She's one of my favorite poets and illustrators! For an interesting interview with Joan, click here A Child's Thanksgiving Prayer
by Joan Walsh Anglund O Lord, our thanks we give this Day For family, home and friends, And lift our thoughts in prayer to You From Whom all Good descends I met the lovely artist and author, Joy Theda Bjork in the Created to Thrive Mentoring Program, and purchased this beautiful handmade brooch from her. The card that came with it says, "You are His Beloved. Take care of yourself first, then others. Psalm 139" Joy lives in Sweden now, but used to live in NJ! I met her in person recently at the Gathering of Artisans Conference. Contact Joy on Facebook if you're interested in your own 'Nurturing Heart' brooch-- she creates it with your color preferences. She also has a wonderful book, "After Divorce, You Can Live Again" which can be applied to recovering from any traumatic experience. I highly recommend it! My friend Antonina recently shared this powerful quote with me from Brennan Manning's book, The Ragamuffin Gospel. What if you discovered that the least of the brethren of Jesus,
the one who needs your love the most, the one you can help the most by loving, the one to whom your love will be the most meaningful-- what if you discovered that this least of the brethren of Jesus… is YOU? I recently came across Matt Tommey's podcast while searching for Christian artist resources. He offers a boatload of free resources that I have just begun to explore! His outreach is to creatives of all kinds including writers, musicians, crafters, and artists. Below are free links to an awesome "Gathering of Artisans" Conference held last week in North Carolina, that Matt broadcast Live on Facebook. (I don't think you need to have an account to view.) He offers many more free resources you can access on his website, including his podcast. Click here. Enjoy!!
https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/videos/320083972134773/ https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/videos/1931739053786867/ https://www.facebook.com/thethrivingchristianartist/videos/2265851443648769/ https://www.facebook.com/matttommey/videos/10215117647389179/ For those who’ve experienced loss, you might identify with these quotes from C.S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed, “No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear,” and “The death of a beloved is an amputation.” Ironically, on this roller-coaster called ‘grieving’ we also have these powerful promises from God’s Word, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed,” Psalm 34:18 (NLT) and “[The Spirit of the Lord] has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,” Psalm 61:1 (NKJV). Amazing!
I purchased a device that allows me to scan Dad’s slides to my computer. I am pretty speechless to see these romantic photos of Mom and Dad, ages 21 and 26. The love and joy I see on their faces is beyond words. These were taken the week after their wedding on July 8, 1960 at the "Honeymoon Capital of the World"--- Niagra Falls! |
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.