I recently started writing devotionals. If you'd like a word of spiritual encouragement, please read on! The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?![]() Yes, and no. Yes, celebrating the birth of our King of King and Lord of Lords-- the magnificent Lord Jesus Christ, who redeems our lives from sin and death. No, because we live in a fallen world with not-so-picture-perfect relationships and circumstances, and a mixed bag of experiences. Things seem to be amplified around the holidays. Especially when gathering with family, we have good memories and sad ones, victories and difficulties, surprises and disappointments. We’re living in a dark world, much like at the time of Jesus’ birth in the town of Bethlehem. As the lyrics of the song O Come O Come Emmanuel suggest, the Israelites were looking for a powerful, conquering King to save them, and the mystery of the Son of God being born in modest circumstances and living the life of a human was utterly unbelievable. What about our circumstances today? I used to think I was an oddball— the rare one who dealt with multiple family losses (through death, divorce in my family, or estrangement). Now, I’m finding many friends are also dealing with the unexpected loss of their loved ones as well. Some losses are more traumatic than others, but all require some type of energy and support to process through. Nothing ever prepares us to deal with death; It’s a thief and foreign to us, probably because when God created us we were never meant to die. Lest this blog post send you in a downward spiral, I wanted to make the point that it is in the very darkness that the Light-- Jesus Himself-- shines brightest, and with Him there is always hope (I Timothy 1:1). It’s in our valleys that we can become more acquainted with Jesus, the Lily of the Valley (Song of Solomon 2:1), as He seeks to draw us to Himself with his fragrant love. After numerous tragic losses, I came to find and cherish many references that refer to God as a perfect father, mother, brother, and sister (as well as best friend and bridegroom)! As the great I AM, He is all about relationships, always drawing us close to receive and experience everything He has for us. I'm glad we have forever to get to know Him! Somehow God promises to work all things together for good, even in our darkest times. One of my favorite names of God is the Holy Spirit referred to as “The Comforter” (John 14:26). Wow - a Holy Comforter! Imagine being wrapped in holy comfort! Another favorite scripture is “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 24:18. We have the promise of his nearness always, even when we’re crushed. God isn’t put off by our breakdowns or neediness, but rather He longs for us to receive and experience the overflowing goodness of His shalom (completeness, wholeness, welfare, prosperity, peace), that His Son, Jesus, died to give us. Let’s pray: Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, reveal yourself to me. I invite you into my heart and ask you to fill me afresh with your presence and goodness. Thank you that your shed blood cleanses me from all sin. In the midst of my tragic circumstances, I receive a holy Comforter hug. Thank you that you wrap me in your arms of love and meet me exactly where I am, especially when I’m hurting. Help me trust that You have a miracle for me. Amen! Thank you that you're working miracles in our dark times, Lord. Believing wonderful things are coming your way in 2025! If you're interested in receiving daily inspiration in your Inbox, click here!
A Better GiftChristmas cookies were big in my house growing up. As a young sweets lover I loved to bake, or do anything in the kitchen with Mom. I’m not sure which was better – the act of baking itself or the pleasure of eating the treats! Cupcakes, birthday cakes, cookies—they were all so much fun to make! In our family each child got to choose what flavor or style his birthday cake would be each year. Biiiiig stuff! We enjoyed a variety of Christmas cookies, but decorated sugar cookies were Mom’s favorite. She joyfully told the story that when she was a little girl, they inadvertently misplaced a box of sugar cookies and found them at Easter time-- It was like finding GOLD! Knowing she loved these also made gift giving easy, because they were such a treat for her. As she grew older and couldn’t bake anymore, ANY holiday was a good time for her favorites! Toymakers made children’s dreams come true when they introduced the Easy Bake Oven in the 1960s. One Christmas, my seven or eight year-old self circled and highlighted it in our Sears Christmas Catalog for my wish list. This was my kind of toy! MUST HAVE Easy Bake Oven! Think of all the treats I could make, and eat! Mom said, “No, it’s too dangerous.” TOO DANGEROUS?!! What was she talking about?? I still remember my deep disappointment. Instead, my thoughtful and caring mother gave me a shoebox filled with little Washington cake mixes, frosting mixes, a pair of hot mitts, a few mixing tools, and the promise that she would help me with my baking endeavors. Wow, thanks, Mom. (Womp, womp) But it was a great decision on her part. Not only did I not just bake treats for myself and possibly get injured with a “too dangerous” oven, but I got to spend time with Mom, baking like a big girl. She instilled in me a confidence that “I can do this” with baking. This continues to be a blessing as I still enjoy experimenting and trying new baking projects, not just for myself, but to share with others.
Mom loved my poem, “Cookies In Heaven”. I wonder now, this Christmas, if she’s enjoying decorated sugar cookies heaven? And if so, what they must taste like?? As an adult I’ve thought of buying myself an Easy Bake Oven, but the luster is gone. But oh, what I would give to bake with Mom again. MERRY CHRIST-MAC From Evan, Kathy, Mac, Tater & Hobbs! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for our blessed family and friends, and
giving us the greatest Gift of All - Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! |
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
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