Along our road at dusk-- Hope, NJ, August 2022 I find it difficult to capture the magnificence of clouds in photographs, but saw this on our way home last night. My favorite 'light' of the day is the golden glow of dusk, and loved it reflected in these clouds. "To every good,
to every flicker of stars along the pine shadows; To every tussle with lucid dusk, To every moonlit pledge, to every turn made to outleap silvery pollen, I have desired to listen - to listen - to the ripening of seasons..." Obi Nwakanma
I was searching for a poem about lilies of the valley and found this lovely one by Lorraine @ Grateful Prayer | Thankful Heart Lily of the Valley and Christ Is Poem
by Lorraine @ Grateful Prayer | Thankful Heart I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1 To the ARTIST He is the One Altogether Lovely. To the ARCHITECT He is the Chief Corner Stone. To the BAKER He is the Living Bread. To the BANKER He is the Hidden Treasure. To the BIOLOGIST He is the Life. To the BUILDER He is the Sure Foundation. To the CARPENTER He is the Door. To the DOCTOR He is the Great Physician. To the EDUCATOR He is the Great Teacher. To the ENGINEER He is the New and Living Way. To the FLORIST He is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. To the GEOLOGIST He is the Rock of Ages. To the HORTICULTURIST He is the True Vine. To the JUDGE He is the Righteous Judge, Judge of All Men. To the JEWELER He is the Pearl of Great Price. To the LAWYER He is the Counselor, the Lawgiver, the Advocate. To the NEWS REPORTER He is the Good Tidings of Great Joy. To the OCULIST He is the Light of the Eyes. To the PHILANTHROPIST He is the Unspeakable Gift. To the PHILOSOPHER He is the Wisdom of God. To the PREACHER He is the Word of God. To the SCULPTOR He is the Living Stone. To the SERVANT He is the Good Master. To the STATESMAN He is the Desire of All Nations. To the STUDENT He is the Incarnate Truth. To the THEOLOGIAN He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. To the TOILER He is the Giver of Rest. To the SINNER He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World. To the CHRISTIAN He is the Son of the Living God, the Savior, the Redeemer and the Lord! and Happy National Poetry Month!
Variations of frost on our walkway this morning... getting ready for tonight's snow! "The frost makes a flower, the dew makes a star."
Sylvia Plath As my pursuit of creating art digitally is expanding I googled, "Top Digital Artists" today. This guy came up! If you have time, it's a beautiful, short, multiple-award winning film about this 97 year-old artist, his life and art. Enjoy! The lovely poem Hal mentions (below) is by New Jerseyan, Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)
TREES (1913) I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. Amaryllis
by Connie Wanek A flower needs to be this size to conceal the winter window, and this color, the red of a Fiat with the top down, to impress us, dull as we've grown. Months ago the gigantic onion of a bulb half above the soil stuck out its green tongue and slowly, day by day, the flower itself entered our world, closed, like hands that captured a moth, then open, as eyes open, and the amaryllis, seeing us, was somehow undiscouraged. It stands before us now as we eat our soup; you pour a little of your drinking water into its saucer, and a few crumbs of fragrant earth fall onto the tabletop. (Lovely poem! I found it here) My poem "Your Love Heals Me" was published in the Churches of God General Conference weekly publication, "The Gem"! Early last year my dear friend Carolyn told me she thought some of my writing would be perfect for the weekly inspirational handout she got at church, "The Gem" a publication produced by Churches of God General Conference. I finally submitted a few pieces in March. Two were rejected, but I just received confirmation that this one made it in! I received some copies and a check for $10.00 yesterday! What an honor-- Praise you, Jesus!
For my writing friends, here's a link to their submission guidelines. They are always looking for new work. Check it out! Our rhododendrons "On this June day the buds in my garden are
almost as enchanting as the open flowers. Things in bud bring, in the heat of a June noontide, the recollection of the loveliest days of the year - those days of May when all is suggested, nothing yet fulfilled." - Francis King Hobbs overseeing the spring-ery in our yard! We have daffodils from bulbs transplanted from my father's garden in Annapolis, MD
by way of my former home in DE. They're a friendly reminder of my Dad each year! |
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.