If a picture is worth a thousand words, this video is worth a thousand hugs! Saw this yesterday and felt like I experienced a little slice of heaven. Spring hugs and blessings to you!! :)
I was searching for a poem about lilies of the valley and found this lovely one by Lorraine @ Grateful Prayer | Thankful Heart Lily of the Valley and Christ Is Poem
by Lorraine @ Grateful Prayer | Thankful Heart I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1 To the ARTIST He is the One Altogether Lovely. To the ARCHITECT He is the Chief Corner Stone. To the BAKER He is the Living Bread. To the BANKER He is the Hidden Treasure. To the BIOLOGIST He is the Life. To the BUILDER He is the Sure Foundation. To the CARPENTER He is the Door. To the DOCTOR He is the Great Physician. To the EDUCATOR He is the Great Teacher. To the ENGINEER He is the New and Living Way. To the FLORIST He is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. To the GEOLOGIST He is the Rock of Ages. To the HORTICULTURIST He is the True Vine. To the JUDGE He is the Righteous Judge, Judge of All Men. To the JEWELER He is the Pearl of Great Price. To the LAWYER He is the Counselor, the Lawgiver, the Advocate. To the NEWS REPORTER He is the Good Tidings of Great Joy. To the OCULIST He is the Light of the Eyes. To the PHILANTHROPIST He is the Unspeakable Gift. To the PHILOSOPHER He is the Wisdom of God. To the PREACHER He is the Word of God. To the SCULPTOR He is the Living Stone. To the SERVANT He is the Good Master. To the STATESMAN He is the Desire of All Nations. To the STUDENT He is the Incarnate Truth. To the THEOLOGIAN He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. To the TOILER He is the Giver of Rest. To the SINNER He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World. To the CHRISTIAN He is the Son of the Living God, the Savior, the Redeemer and the Lord! Evan recently found this broken-off hyacinth bud in our yard. It was light green, tightly closed, and looked ‘dead’. He encouraged me to put it into water and thought it might still bloom. I was doubtful… and totally astonished when after about three days, it did! It made think about the power of water itself—a basic compound— essential for life, and wonder what areas could I experience transformation in by simply ‘watering’. I’m currently reading Soundtracks by Jon Acuff, and working on removing what the author brilliantly refers to as "lying, unhelpful, unkind thoughts" and replacing them with thoughts that are “true, helpful, and kind”. If I'm consistent, in time I’m hoping to see big changes. How about you? Any areas in your life that could use watering? "Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose."
Proverbs 18:21 MSG and Happy National Poetry Month!
Hi Friends, Happy Spring! Let the flowers begin! • What's your favorite flower?
• What's a new thing that's happening in your life? "Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air." Song of Solomon 2:10-12 The picture above was created by me digitally using Photoshop brushes. Slowly approaching her in video above, didn't want to get too close!
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.”– Bernard Williams It's always a thrill when our yard is in bloom! This little fella made an appearance, too!
I revived this 2013 photo of cherry blossoms taken in our backyard with some tools in Photoshop to get this! Tutorial found here: https://create.adobe.com/2019/10/3/free_photoshop_brush.html |
WELCOME to my blog! This a collection of photos, art, poems, thoughts, and other stuff on my creative journey since 2010.
December 2024
2024 © Kathleen Rupff All rights reserved.