Poems and artwork,The Avatar, St. Mary's College of MD, 1984-86
(PDFs of some of the VCF publications are available on the bottom of the GRAPHICSpage.)
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INSTRUCTIONS To download and print your copy of these "Love Declarations: 1. Click on "Love Declarations" icon (above) to download .pdf file to your computer. 2. Print desired number of copies on 8.5" x 11" opaque paper. 3. Flip paper over and align so correct side is in position, and run through printer again. (This make take a few tries!) 4. Once both sides are printed, cut paper down the center and fold each piece twice (like photo on right).
Believing and understanding God's love has been a life-long pursuit of mine. I designed this for myself, and thought others may enjoy it. God bless!
St. David's Christian Writing Conference Awards Ceremony 2022 (Photo by Anne Murphy)
First published July 2019 by Churches of God General Conference weekly publication,
"The Gem"