"Flower Lady", 2019, 19 x 24, mixed media (SOLD)
"Child & Butterfly", 2019, 24 x 12, mixed media (SOLD}
"Aslan" 2018, 8" x 10", paper collage
"Prayer Warrior" 2015, 20" x 24", Mixed Media, (Commission/SOLD)
"Spring Dogwood Days" 2009, 24" x 60", paper collage. Based on the pink dogwood tree in our front yard. (SOLD)
"Aslan" 2010. 18" x 24", paper collage. Based on the beloved lion in "The Chronicles of Narnia" (SOLD)
Working on "Wren's Summer Song" with Rose, 2010
Wren's Summer Song, 18 x 24 paper collage, 2010
"Flower Field 1", 2019, 12 x 24, acrylic (SOLD)
"Flower Field 2", 2019, 12 x 24, acrylic
"Heart Grid", 2019, 12 x 12, mixed media (SOLD)
"Sacred Prism" 2009, 18" x 24", paper collage
"Dream of a Lion" (Finished piece) 2012, 12 x 16, paper collage (SOLD)
"Transformation" 1987, 24" x 50", oil, Received SMC Superior Artist Award
Standing next to "Transformation" at the Dreamscapes of Summer Show, August 2012
"The Beggar" 1987, 24" x 36", oil. I was extremely honored that my college advisor and art professor, Lisa Scheer, asked to purchase this my senior year.
"Stars & Stripes Forever" 2009, 15" x 20", paper collage
"Blue Crab" 2006, 8.5 x 11 watercolor
"Tyler" 2008, 11" x 14", watercolor and pencil
Our cat, "Rose" 2012, 11 x 14, watercolor. This was created by converting a photograph to lines and printing on watercolor paper
"Two Daffodils" 2012, Paper collage, 9 x 12. This won Honorable Mention at the Warren County Arts 2012 Spring Show
Tyler sculpture, 2010
Our cat, "Rose" 2012, 11 x 14, paper collage.
Irises, Acrylic, 16 x 20, 2009
2021 © Kathleen Rupff. All rights reserved.